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Accountability is key to school success The Bridge to Tomorrow cannot be complete with the pillar of accountability. Every official within the school system should have to be held accountable for their performance. In Dr. Hite State of the Schools speech at the start of the academic year he made a reference to service. Far too often parents and community partners have not felt welcome in county offices and schools. Phone calls haven been returned and emails haven been responded to. There can be no better system of accountability in this area than using a call tracking system similar to those in place in many congressional and governmental offices. If there is one thing that cannot be taken away from the O Administration is their usage of StateStat to help focus on the type of service residents are getting from their government. The call tracking system can be the same thing. Under this system the process works as shown below: School officials will have up to 48 hours to return the call and then enter that date, time, and notes from the call into the database under the ticket number assigned in the original call. Usage of this technology will help administrators and members of the board know exactly how well the system is doing in responding to the concerns of the public it is supposed to serve. With this technology Dr. Hite, the Board of Education, and the public will also be able to determine which areas of the system are having problems and how those problems can be addressed. When you are discussing accountability we also have to confront the challenge that many in our county feel about being left out of the decision on who runs the system. Performance evaluations of the systems top officials should not be a confidential item as they are today. To be fair there likely is some information that should not be up for public review but overall it should not be confidential how well top administrative officials are doing at leading the public school system. The Board of Education in conjunction with top officials like the Superintendent has to work together to set clear and achievable measurements of success. At the end of a year the evaluation of those measurements should be made public. Setting these goals and reporting on our progress at meeting them would help the system accomplish two simple but very important things, one if the superintendent is retained and receives a bonus the public will know why. That said in the event the board decides to move in another direction and replace the superintendent, the public will also be able to know why but more importantly they will be able to understand. We are all aware that because of tight budgetary times the school system will be forced to do more with less. As we do more with less we should work harder at ensuring that as much of our tax payer money is spent directly in the classroom and not at the central office. Every year every administrator should be forced to justify their existence. In preparation for every budget every administrator should be able to explain why their role is still a necessary expense for a budget that is overflowing in red and class sizes continue to grow. The number one priority of the public school system is the education of our children and that must be the number one budgetary item every year. Finally the Prince George County Board of Education has to know where we are before we can fully plan and understand where we want to go. There must be a full audit of the internal expenses and operations of the entire school system conducted by an external auditor. Individual departmental audits are useless unless they can be connected well with the rest of the system. We have made great strides in the last four years at getting our house in order throughout the entire school system, but we all know we can do better. A top to bottom audit of not only the budget but actual expenses in every department and office, every program, every school, combined with the effectiveness of those funds at helping whatever targeted population reach their intended goal should help the board and superintendent prioritize the budget for upcoming years. Recently it appears that in order to deal with the economic slowdown leaders in Upper Marlboro have just looked at what we would have in the bank and then found programs to cut based off of how much money we needed to save. That process is totally 100% backwards in how we can effectively ensure that we balance our budget. We need to save the programs that have worked and end those that don The results of that audit should be made public with a time frame to allow for district officials to respond to the findings and propose ways to meet whatever recommendations are made. Additionally to help make this program more effective the Board of Education must be forced to take an up or down vote on the recommendations similar to the process Congress undertakes for the BRAC recommendations. Stay tuned for our final pillar on school reform later this week. To be alerted by email when we release these pillars sign up for our email list.